Friday, March 20, 2015

What is a Challenge Group???

It is the middle of March and April isn't too far away, YIKES!  I don't know about you, but I went bathing suit shopping recently and HOLY COW the options that are out there.  But are you thinking, I have been comfortable this winter, the sweaters have been great and oh no, what am I going to do?  Have no fear I am here to help!

So you might have seen my posts in the past about joining a Challenge Group or been invited to join one of my Challenge Groups and wondered, "WHAT THE HECK is a challenge group?"  For me a challenge group is a place where I can get AND provide support from those who want to improve their nutrition and fitness.  That's pretty much the basics, BUT there is SO much more than that.

The group is a completely CLOSED & PRIVATE group run on Facebook.  Only myself, fellow coaches part of the group and other challengers in the group will be able to see what goes on within the group.  The group usually runs for 21, 30, 60 or 90 days.

You get meal planning help and ideas, the accountability of staying with a program or striving to meet whatever health and fitness goal you have set for yourself.  The positive reinforcement that others in your life may not provide or even give as they might not have any idea how hard this is or how hard you are working.  It is a place to go to when you might be having a bad day and just need that little boost to get you going.

Do you have to work out at the same time as everyone else??  No way!  You workout for what fits best in your schedule.  You just check-in with the Facebook group at some point during your day (or multiple times) as you are able.  Having a rough day and not feeling like it, the group is the perfect place for you as the motivation that others in the group bring is unbelievable!

Believe me, I have been there and continue to struggle with motivation some days.  BUT, I know there are others in the group counting on me and I don't want to leave any of the
m down.  It is great surrounding myself with those that have similar goals and we can support and help each other through the rough times and celebrate with each other during the awesome times!

I was introduced to challenge groups during the summer of 2014 and had no idea what I was getting in to.  In the 8 weeks of my first challenge group I participated in, I lost 9 pounds and 19.5 inches overall.  I can say the challenge group got me there as I had not had those types of results EVER!

I also found the group to be a great place to go for ideas, help, to ask questions, and stay motivated.  Not to mention the friendships and the growth in self-confidence that came from the group was AH-MAZING.

To be a member of one of my challenge groups, you only need to do 3 things!!

1.  You need to purchase a Beachbody Fitness program of your choice.
      -  Not sure what programs are available or what program will work best for you, NO PROBLEM!!  I will help you figure out what program is best for you!  There are so many choices that no matter what your fitness level is or where you are in your life, we have a program for you!  In addition to the program you will get a nutrition guide as well as a workout calendar to follow to make the process as easy for you as possible.

2.  I need you to be drinking Shakeology (click for more info).
     -  80% of your results come from your nutrition and diet.  With Shakeology, you are guaranteeing you are getting at least one of your meals right and will keep you on track every day!  Shakeology is NOT another protein shake or supplement, it has so much more to offer!  There are NO artificial sweeteners, ingredients or soy ingredients in this shake AT ALL!

3.   I need your 100% Commitment!
     -  With the group, I need you to have an open mind and a positive attitude.  You need to be willing to work and participate in the group daily.  This is your time to shine and take control of you!  I will help you and support you, but YOU are the one who is in charge of your own success.

Does this sound like something that you are interested in?  If so, complete the below form and submit it to me so I can get to know a little more about you and your goals and we can work together to get you to where you want to be.

  • --
  • Have you ever used a Beachbody Program Before?

Thanks for your time and interest.  I look forward to hearing from you!

~Sarah Strubhar
Independent Team Beachbody Emerald Coach

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