Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Does this Journey Really Work?!?

Hello all!!!

Some of you have been following me for a while now and others are just beginning to read my story or follow me and you might be wondering if this shake I drink called Shakeology and these workouts of Beachbody's really do work.

Well, let me just share a little update from my personal story with you.  I recently was due to get my annual blood work from the doctor's drawn, you know check your cholesterol, thyroid function, and so forth and so on and I had been putting it off (got the blood draw order in January and just went last week).  First I just don't like getting blood drawn after a few bad experiences with past blood draws and blood donation tries; and SECOND, because I was nervous as to what my cholesterol was going to be.  Don't get me wrong, I know in my head & my heart I have changed a lot since a little over year ago when I had my last check done, but it is the anticipation and wonder as to if what I have done is really doing what it should be doing (lowering my cholesterol and helping me all around).

So, I fasted like I needed to and went last Thursday.  I didn't worry to much about it over the weekend, but Matt asked Monday if I had heard anything back from my results.  I hadn't and figured that was good right.  Well finally, I got a call from the doctor's office yesterday with my results.  And I am here to say, HOLY COW I was pleasantly surprised as to how things had improved in a year.

Here are my results:


Overall Cholesterol:  178
Triglycerides:  74 (the doctors want below 150)
HDL (good cholesterol):  54 (the doctors want above 40)
LDL (bad cholesterol):  124 (the doctors want below 160)
Cholesterol Ratio:  3.2


Overall Cholesterol:  157 (down 21 points from 2014)
Triglycerides:  57 (down 23 points)
HDL Cholesterol (good cholesterol):  57 (up 3 points)
LDL Cholesterol (bad cholesterol):  100 (down 24 points)
Cholesterol Ratio:  2.75

Now you might be asking as I did because I am no medical professional, what does all this mean???   Well, it means that with a drop in my Triglycerides and LDL numbers and an increase in my HDL numbers, it means my risk for getting heart disease has dropped as well.

So, whereas about 3-5 years ago the doctors were talking about me needing to take cholesterol medication sometime in my future, after these results, I would say that currently that is likely NOT happening anytime soon.

To answer the initial question I posed, does the Shakeology and workouts work - YES MOST DEFINITELY for me they have.  With the combination of exercising, Shakeology and finally learning what the right foods are to fuel my body with, I can finally say I am seeing the difference medically as well as physically inside and out!

If you missed my earlier posts to give you a bit of background and where my journey started, you can find it here:  My Story and here for More of My Story.

If you have been wanting to give things a try, message me at or fill out the Challenge Group Interest Form Here and I will be in touch!

Thanks for following along and your time!

~Sarah Strubhar
Independent Team Beachbody Emerald Coach

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