Monday, February 2, 2015

What the Heck is 21 Day Fix Anyway?!? - Part 1

Hello Everyone!

Holy cow, it's the first week of February already, where has January gone?  Did you set some New Year Resolutions for yourself?  If so, how are you doing with them?

I am sure you have seen my posts occasionally about a program called 21 Day Fix and you might be wondering, "what the heck is this 21 Day Fix thing Sarah is talking about?"  Well, you have come to the right place, because I will go over a bit about what the program is all about!

First, let me start by saying, I LOVE this program (I know I say that about PiYo, Focus T-25, and Body Combat), but I really do and I love each program for different reasons.  The one thing I LOVE so much about this program is it makes eating right SOOO EASY!  That's right, I said EASY!

Why you might be asking - well because it comes with a nutrition plan but the best part is, it comes with 7 color coded containers for each type of food group and the nutrition plan tells you how many containers of each color you should be consuming per day.  Believe me, when I opened my 21 Day Fix package this past fall, I thought no way in heck will I feel full by eating just what is in this container, but let me tell you, I WAS WRONG!  I said it, I WAS WRONG!  The containers are sized for the EXACT size your portion should be.  So you want to see a couple examples of the containers in use...take a look below!

It is amazing how when we fuel our bodies with the right foods, how much fuller we feel.  Is it is diet, NOPE?  It is learning a lifestyle change and knowing how big our portions should be, not what everyone tells us they are to be!  In fact, there were many days, when I thought 'holy cow, I can't consume the rest of the container, I am full already.'  But, it all worked out!  Oh yeah, and I was able to eat carbs - whole grain carbs, but carbs still and I will say that is one of my weaknesses and always will be!

The nutrition part has completely changed when, how & what I eat.  I can't say enough good things about it.

Are you interested in learning more????  Contact me and I would love to tell you more about this AWESOME program.  There is a great deal going on the month of February - order the Challenge Pack and get the workout for $10.

Keep your eyes opened, I will be posting PART 2 - the workout details this week!

Thank you for your interest!

~Sarah Strubhar
Independent Team Beachbody Emerald Coach

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