Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Surviving Thanksgiving

5 Thanksgiving Survival Tips

Just because the holidays are here, doesn’t mean you can’t stick to a healthy lifestyle and keep up your sensible eating and still enjoy the holiday season!  You can still enjoy the delicious holiday food, but by doing it sensibly you won’t undo everything you have worked so hard for.  

Here are 5 tips to keep you on track through this holiday season:

1.    Don’t Skip Meals Just to Binge Eat – By skipping meals just to think you are that much more able to indulge when you get to the holiday festivities, is actually the wrong way to think.  If you arrive hungry somewhere you are more likely to snack and take in more calories than if you were to stick to your normal eating plan.  So, go ahead and have your breakfast & mid-morning snack and then just plan the rest of your day around your gathering times.  I know for me, instead of having my Shakeology at lunch like I usually do, I am going to enjoy it for breakfast and then have a mid-morning snack as I normally would do.  In the past this is what I would have done but not this year!

2.  Surviving the Appetizers – Of course you will want to snack on the pre-party food.  But make mindful choices of the veggies & fruits instead of the meats and cheeses.  You can have far more veggies and fruits with the same amount if not fewer calories than the smoked meats, cheeses, pepperoni, mini dogs, etc.   

3.  Plan How You Will Fill Your Plate – Remember that you should be able to enjoy the things you eat but all in moderation.  Also keep in mind, when filling your plate, to split your plate in thirds.  Fill your plate with 1/3 protein, 1/3 veggies or a salad & 1/3 with a carb-heavy side (keep in mind sweet potatoes are usually a better option over mashed potatoes).  Also remember the more protein and veggies you eat the more satisfied you will be. 

4.  Eating Dessert – Of course, who doesn’t want a piece of pumpkin pie after your meal?!?!?  I know I do.  But, this year I am going to take at least 30 minutes between finishing my meal and eating dessert.  This will give your mind a chance to catch up to your body so instead of eating a huge slice of pie,  you will be more likely to eat a smaller slice.   

5.   Don’t Feel Guilty if you Over Indulge – We all do it at some point or another.  But this time, don’t beat yourself up over it or try and skimp on food the days following.  You will be sending your body mixed signals.  Get back up the next day and dust yourself off.  Drink that water and eat the way you have all pre-holiday season and you will feel better.

Now go enjoy your Thanksgiving and remember you will be fine with just a few mindful choices!  And bonus if you get up and get your workout in before the day’s festivities begin.  You will be that much further ahead and feel that much better at the end of the day! 

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