One thing I learned at the start of my Clean Eating journey was I needed to eat 5-6 small meals per day (wow, did that take some mindset changing since we were all taught for years to eat 3 meals per day). You may be asking yourself why is it important to eat so many small meals per day, the reason is, is to keep you will keep your body fueled properly so you have more energy to complete the tasks on your schedule. In addition, when you have a meal or snack, the best combination to keep your body fueled it a complex carb with protein.
A second tip I learned was to eat breakfast within 1 hour of getting up. This gives your body the jump start it needs every day. In the past, I used to wait forever to eat breakfast and then binge eat when I would finally eat breakfast. One of my go to breakfasts is oatmeal with fruit and either scrambled egg whites, a hard boiled egg, other type of protein.
Rest of My Day
Once breakfast is over, I aim to eat about every 2 1/2 - 3 hours which includes a mid-morning snack, lunch, mid-afternoon snack & then dinner. And depending on how my day went I might sneak in an evening snack of sunflower seeds or Greek Yogurt sometimes. All of this while making sure I am taking in enough water throughout my day.
We have all heard the "Make sure to drink 8-8oz. glasses of water per day" right? Well, did you know that has actually changed. The new suggested guideline is shown in this illustration. To me, this seems so much easier to keep track of how much to drink instead of worrying if I have had my 8-8oz. glasses of water. Another tip, for making sure to hit your daily water intake amount is to have a cup or bottle that you know how much water it holds and keep track of how many glasses or bottles you drink vs. how many ounces you have had. In no time at all you might be amazed how quickly you hit your daily water intake amounts.
Meal Plan Examples
If you are interested in taking a look at a meal plan I created, check this one out.
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